Our intent is to provide pupils with the mathematical fluency and confidence to carry out a range of mathematical problems and solve them by utilising reasoning and problem-solving skills. We aim for our pupils to display positive approaches to maths and develop attitudes that embrace challenge. We are constantly striving to improve outcomes for all our pupils and achieve the aims of the National Curriculum:
As a school we are committed to ensuring that children are able to recognise the importance of maths in the wider world and that they are also able to use their mathematical skills and knowledge confidently in their lives in a range of different contexts. We intend to build knowledge, skills and understanding by revisiting at regular intervals (NCETM Prioritisation Curriculum from Years 1 - 6 and Mastering Number, Reception - Year 2) and providing pupils with the opportunity to refresh and rehearse them through practice, consolidating and deepening at every age and stage.
The ethos for maths at St Michael’s
At St Michael’s, we strive towards every child feeling comfortable and valued as a member of the class. We intend for them to be active and equitable participants in maths lessons. We encourage children to question one another, agree or disagree with justifications and work together collaboratively. We aim for every child to embrace their mistakes as part of the learning process; relish challenges; respond carefully to feedback; take inspiration from others and understand the importance of effort.
We intend for pupils to recall and apply mathematical knowledge both rapidly and accurately. We explicitly teach children to be fluent in facts and procedures as well as enable them to move confidently between contexts and representations, recognise relationships and make connections in mathematics. This should help pupils develop a deep conceptual understanding of the subject. We use frequent, carefully designed, intelligent practice ( Daily Calculations in KS2; Mastering Number in Foundation and KS1) to help them to achieve a high level of fluency. We ensure clear progression, screening for understanding and intervention.
Problem solving
Mathematical problem solving is integral to learning. Pupils are encouraged to identify, understand and apply relevant mathematical principles and make connections between different ideas. We aim to include problem solving in every lesson within some form. Mathematical concepts are explored in a variety of representations and problem-solving contexts to give pupils a richer and deeper learning experience. Pupils combine different concepts to solve complex problems and apply knowledge to real-life situations.
We believe the way pupils speak and write about mathematics transforms their learning. Our mastery approach use a carefully sequenced, structured approach (NCETM’s prioritisation curriculum) to introduce and reinforce mathematical vocabulary. Pupils explain the mathematics in full sentences. They should be able to say not just what the answer is, but how they know it is right. This is key to building mathematical language and reasoning skills. Pupils are increasingly using conjecture, generalisations and proof to frame their mathematical understandings.
Depth of learning
We have ensured that teachers are aware of and cater for the need for depth of learning as an essential part of maths. Lessons build on mathematical concepts across a time period and teachers make links across mathematical topics and are continuing to develop variation in their teaching to maximise clarity and depth of learning. We maintain on-going formative assessment that recognises depth and breadth of understanding.
Connective Model
The links made in maths lessons are explicit and focus on concrete (real world) examples, visual representation, language and manipulatives coming together to solve problems in context. We aim that all maths lessons contain a combination of these elements. We believe children develop deep understanding through using these elements together to develop into a fluent and proficient mathematician.
Small step learning and mastery pedagogy
Our school has focused on breaking down learning into small steps and utilising teaching for mastery techniques such as:
· Discussion – the answer is only the beginning;
· Ping-Pong style – small steps providing sufficient scaffolding for all pupils to access,
· Repetition and chorusing;
· Sharing and analysis;
· Attention to mathematical relationships;
· Precision in the use of mathematical language and speaking in full sentences;
· Carefully chosen examples and representations to draw out the structure and essence of the concept;
· Intelligent practice.
Questioning and AFL
Teachers will use questioning throughout maths lessons to elicit children’s understanding and promote and challenge children to deeper understanding of concepts. Questioning will be both open and closed and teachers will use pedagogical understanding of Blooms taxonomy to deepen and challenge children. Questions should be precise and develop mathematical thinking. Teachers will build opportunity for AFL into lessons and will use regular opportunities for discussion and strategies to check and deepen their understanding. Teachers will allow for AFL in a variety of ways. They will use written work, manipulatives and visuals for representation as well as a whole range of other techniques and resources.
Responsive teaching
All work will be marked by the teacher or by the children themselves in order to self-reflect. Interventions and responses from the teacher or teaching assistant are recorded in books. If an adult has spent time working with a child, they will write VF (Verbal Feedback) and will make a note of that support in their own notes. Children’s work will show that they have responded to the teacher’s marking when appropriate, whether that be a question to further learning or to consolidate their knowledge.
A of L
At the end of each sequence, teachers will use a variety a materials to assess what the children have learnt. These include:
Challenge and Depth
Challenge focuses on breadth and depth of understanding and expects the children to apply their knowledge in challenging scenarios, whether this be additional challenge in KS1 or rich investigative tasks in KS2.
SEND pupils
Where children are working significantly below the expected age-related requirements of the curriculum scaffolding and targeted work takes place on a daily basis. These activities are planned by the teacher in discussion and collaboration with the SENDCO and parents. Each child with specific SEND difficulties will have a My Plan and targets that are agreed and monitored every half term to ensure progression.
The maths leaders have a clear role and overall responsibility for the progress of all children in maths throughout school. Working with SLT, key data is analysed and regular feedback is provided, to inform on progress and future actions.
Children demonstrate a quick recall of facts and procedures. This includes the recollection of the times table.
Children show confidence in believing that they will achieve.
Each child achieves objectives (expected standard) for year group.
The flexibility and fluidity to move between different contexts and representations of maths.
The chance to develop the ability to recognise relationships and make connections in maths lessons.
Mathematical concepts or skills are mastered when a child can show it in multiple ways, using mathematical language to explain their ideas, and can independently apply the concept to new problems in unfamiliar situations.
Children show a high level of pride in the presentation and understanding of the work
The first few years of a child’s life are especially important for mathematics development. Research shows that early mathematical knowledge predicts later reading ability and general education and social progress. Conversely, children who start behind in mathematics tend to stay behind throughout their whole educational journey.
The objective for those working in Early Years, then, is to ensure that all children develop firm mathematical foundations in a way that is engaging, and appropriate for their age. We teach maths using Mastering Number by NCETM and through songs, actions, videos and stories as well as using everyday objects and maths manipulatives such as Numicon, tens frames, number tracks, Rekenreks and 100 squares.
There are six key areas of early mathematics learning, which collectively provide a platform for everything children will encounter as they progress through their maths learning at primary school, and beyond.
1. Cardinality and Counting Understanding that the cardinal value of a number refers to the quantity, or ‘howmanyness’ of things it represents.
2. Comparison Understanding that comparing numbers involves knowing which numbers are worth more or less than each other.
3. Composition Understanding that one number can be made up from (composed from) two or more smaller numbers.
4.Pattern Looking for and finding patterns helps children notice and understand mathematical relationships.
5.Shape and Space Understanding what happens when shapes move, or combine with other shapes, helps develop wider mathematical thinking.
6.Measures Comparing different aspects such as length, weight and volume, as a preliminary to using units to compare later.
Numberblocks at Home
You'll find here some resources to accompany the CBeebies Numberblocks series, designed to be used at home. Your child's teacher will reference these throughout the year.
Maths Whole School Curriculum Overview
Reception Maths OverviewYear 1 Maths OverviewYear 2 Maths Overview
Year 4 Maths OverviewYear 5 Maths OverviewYear 6 Maths Overview
By using the 'Mastering Number' Programme by NCETM, our younger pupils will
When your child is in EYFS, they will have four sessions a week as an input and additional support if needed.
In Years 1 and 2, this programme is used four times a week in addition to a daily maths lesson.
Year View - Mastering Number Reception
Year View - Mastering Number Year 1
Year View - Mastering Number Year 2
Mastering Number-Reception Weekly Overview
Mastering Number-Y1 Weekly OverviewMastering Number-Y2 Weekly Overview
Every child from Years 2 - 6 has a log in and password to Times Table Rockstars (TTRS). This is a way of supporting children become more fluent and faster at recalling their tables in a fun and exciting way.
Studio mode:
•60 seconds per game, answer as many questions as you can in the time.
•The computer is measuring the average time taken to answer a range of questions.
Jamming mode:
•No timer – no pressure!
Garage mode:
•180 seconds per game, answer as many questions as you can in the time.
•The computer is measuring the time taken for each question for the heatmap.
Gig mode:
•5 minute game, 100 questions max, answer as many questions as you can in the time.
Soundcheck mode:
•Against the clock – 6 seconds per question, moves on to next question after 6 seconds
Further Information
•Children need to play in ‘Garage’ or ‘Arena’ to progress through the levels/times tables
•20 correct answers are needed in a 1 minute garage/arena game to progress to the next level.
•Encourage your child to play 1 minute games, rather than 2 or 3 minute games.
•It is useful for all children to play in ‘Soundcheck’ every now and then. This uses the same timings as the MTC (e.g. 6 seconds per question) and includes all times tables.
•Children who have already completed all levels should regularly play in 'Soundcheck', with the focus on getting 25/25 rather than speed (leading to possible mistakes).
•Together with focus on playing Soundcheck games, and aiming to become a ‘Rock Hero’ in ‘Studio’ games.
•Children can challenge their peers and teachers by sending them a ‘rockslam’!
We are excited to be introducing Numbots this year to children in Years R, 1 and 2. Older children may also benefit from Numbots if they need additional support in fluency and recall of number facts.
NumBots is all about every child achieving the “triple win” of understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction, so that they move from counting to calculating.
So that children can solve more complex problems, NumBots’ intelligent practice methodology focuses on automatic recall of number facts as well as developing conceptual understanding.
By carefully layering up comprehension, our learners maintain confidence and are primed to learn the next concept.
Pupils choose their own Bot before launching into ‘Story’ and ‘Challenge’ modes, where our algorithm takes care of their learning.
For most effective practice we suggest playing for at least 3 minutes a day, 4 or 5 times a week - at home or at school.
As they progress, pupils collect achievement badges and unlock hundreds of new levels and challenges.
In the Story Mode they will also discover parts, helping RustyBot upgrade from Rust to Diamond - so he can shine inside and out.
Our school already uses Time Table Rockstars, meaning that users can login with the same details.